Friday, 21 February 2014

Eat Vegan - Moving On Up

Well this week has been much better than the last. I'm actually quite pleased with myself. You see, usually after such an epic mess-up such as last week, I'd beat myself up and go on a binge of whatever I wasn't supposed to be eating. It's a huge change in me to have got back on the wagon so easily.

It's been going so well and I've been enjoying it so much, that I've decided to stay vegan after this months challenge is over.

Also, I weighed myself  at the start of the month and on Thursday. It turns out I've lost 3 kg (~7 lbs). So, I've decided to remove the Lose 10% Body Weight challenge from my list. Next month, March, I'll be doing my CCNA challenge. I'm going to book the exam as soon as possible for the last week of March. I'm not sure how I'll afford it though. If anyone wants to donate the £80 exam fee, it would be much appreciated! :D

I don't know if you've noticed, but I've put up a couple of pictures on my Instagram of some of the scrummy food I've been making. I've really enjoyed the cooking. It's one of the few things that I've enjoyed doing in a long time.

Anyway, enough rambling. See you next week.

Joel x

01 - February Challenge - Eat Vegan
02 - Eat Vegan - Like A Mouse With Cheese
03 - Eat Vegan - Omnivorous Slips
04 - Eat Vegan - Moving On Up
05 - Eat Vegan - The Interview aka The Inside Scoop

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed that you manage to get back on it so easily!
    I totally understand the f**k it syndrome, but yay you!
    T xxx
